Message from Grand Knight, Rick Kuertz
Greetings Brother’s,
Welcome to the September edition of the Cross and Compass. As we step into September, we find ourselves on the cusp of change. The summer season begins to wane, and with it, we move into a time of harvest and reflection. For us as Knights, September is not just about the change in seasons but also a time to renew our commitment to the values that define our brotherhood: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Our values help make our community and church a better place for all.
Change just seems to be in the air this time of year, and it definitely has been for me since May when I lost my job. My faith has continued to deepen now that I’m back from the Camino as I’ve been fortunate to begin Altar Serving for some of the 8:00 am masses during the week. I guess you could say I’ve been a Saturday or Sunday Catholic since I converted, but being on the Camino and having Communion almost every day changed who I am. My soul is hungry for the body and blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. By going to Mass more than on weekends, I’m able to keep my soul fed and I can’t begin to tell you what a difference it is making in my life. If you are able, try to attend a Mass or 2 during the week as it will change you as well.
I’m happy to report, the Officers have stayed busy this summer putting together our calendar of events, and we’ve got another strong year lined up. One thing I’d like to let everyone know is we are trying to make everything consistent as much as possible so we don’t disrupt schedules. We will still be having our meetings every second Tuesday of the month, and we are also going to have a pancake breakfast every first Sunday of the month through at least May. Brothers, we have a lot of exciting things planned for this year, and we need your help by volunteering your time if you are able. In order to change our church and community, it is going to take all of us working together. One thing we all need to be doing is working with our families, friends and neighbors to defeat Amendment 4 on the November ballot. Those unborn children are counting on us to help save them. So when you are talking to your friends, please let them know to vote NO on Amendment 4. As many of us have always heard, “Many hands make light work”. Our Council is one of the largest and most active Councils in the state and it takes a lot of hours to accomplish everything we do. So if you see a sign up, please volunteer, I promise you will enjoy it. It helps foster one of our founding principles, fraternity. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our Council, and I know together, we can make a significant impact.
I would also like to let everyone know that Eddie Jones was selected as our Knight of the Year, and Bill Morris received Officer of the year. Both brothers have always gone above and beyond to make our Council successful, and we all owe them a round of applause and recognition for all of the hard work they have put into making our Council as strong as it is. Thank you both!
Finally, let us not forget those in our community who are in need of our prayers and support. Whether it’s a brother Knight who is struggling, a family member who is ill, or someone facing difficulties, our role is to stand with them, offering whatever help we can. If you know of any special intentions, please bring them to my attention so we can lift them up together in prayer.
Thank you for your dedication to our council and the principles of our Order. I am proud of the work we have done so far this year, and I am confident that with God’s grace, we will continue to make a positive difference in the months to come.
Vivat Jesus!
Rick Kuertz, GK