Volunteer Opportunities


Proverbs 11:25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.



Our Council works hard to help those less fortunate.  There are many opportunities to lend your hands if only for an hour or two.  Sign up with a friend if you are new sometimes it’s easier when you know someone.

You will find Knights among our Ushers, EM’s, Lectors, Sacristans, Altar Servers, Parish Council, Deacons, and Priests. We provide Charitable Support to 3 pregnancy centers, monthly Food Drives supporting three Diocese Food Banks, Youth Scholarships, financial support for Diocesan Seminarians, 5th Sunday Rosary, annual Blue Mass for First Responders, Blood Drives.

We are always in need of ushers for most masses, volunteers for food collection and readers for the 5th Sunday Rosary.


Click on link below to get Our Lady of Lourdes Volunteer Information
