Advent Breakfast on Sunday December 8th

Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Date: December 8th
Location: Our Lady of Lourd Parish Center


We are preparing an Advent Breakfast on Sunday December 8th in the Parish Hall for the Faith Formation team.  This will be a more limited menu (Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Ham plus fruit cups), but have several sign up openings.  Please click on the link below to sign-up for a slot:

We need some volunteers to help with the Advent Breakfast on Sunday, December 8th in the Parish Hall.  Breakfast will be served from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  We will need Cooks & Kitchen help starting at 9:00 AM and Clean-up help from Noon to 2:00 PM. The Faith Formation Group will be helping out as well. Please sign up for a slot. Thank you for your help. George Bevis & Ron Galiano




Thanks to everybody who helped out at yesterday's Pancake Breakfast; it was a record breaking success, and we appreciate everyone's team effort.

Thank-you, Kathy & George Bevis