CFA Raffle Ticket Sales

Time: 4/19/2024 - 5/04/2024
Date: May 4th, 2024
Location: 1301 Center Rd, Venice, FL 34292

Dear Brothers,

We are down to the final two weekends for CFA Raffle Ticket Sales before the drawing on May 4th.  Please sign up for a slot to sell tickets after any the Masses by clicking on this link:

Sell Tickets

We need 1 or 2 people to sell raffle tickets for the Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA) for 15 minutes after each Mass for the final two weekends.  You can leave after Communion, and a table will be set up at the Front Entrance. We will use the pre-printed raffle forms to sell the tickets (these forms are also in the Church Bulletin).

Thank you! Ron Bowes & Eric Bisighini

We have approximately 150 more tickets to sell. 

Please wear a Knights Shirt.  Remember there are 3 chances in 700 to win a prize. (One $5000 and Two $2,500 prizes).  Please send an email to if you want buy a ticket(s)