Who are the Tomb Guards?
The Soldiers who stand guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are hand picked and rigorously trained. They have come from every state in the union, and represent every walk of life. They are men and women from many different backgrounds and specialties. For some this is their first unit in the Army, others are veterans of many years. Over the years there have been Regular Army and as well as Draftees.
The duty at the Tomb is not for everyone, with the majority of soldiers who begin Tomb Guard training unable to meet the standards.
Each soldier must have strong military bearing, discipline, stamina and present an outstanding soldierly appearance. Each Sentinel must be able to flawlessly perform seven different types of walks, honors and ceremonies. They must retain vast amounts of knowledge concerning the Tomb, Arlington National Cemetery, the United States Army and their unit.
Grand Knight Rick Kuertz and his son.