Message from Grand Knight, Rick Kuertz, from the Camino de Santiago
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family doing well. It is hard to believe that a new fraternal year is beginning and my first year as Grand Knight is over. We did a lot of good for our Church and the community we serve. It is an absolute honor to be the Grand Knight and I really appreciate your confidence to let me, and our TEAM of Officers, serve for another year. We as a Council covered a lot of ground last year and we have a lot more work to do this year. Our membership has increased to over 300 members and we continue to get new brothers joining on a regular basis. We’ve got some gearing up to do so we can come out of the gates quickly. I wanted to let everyone know that Bill Szyper has stepped up to serve as our interim Financial Secretary. He is covering for Bill Morris until Bill is ready to return. Our Treasurer Bob Rueger has also stepped up in a big way and between the 2 of them along with Bills wife Katie, you can rest assured that things are getting done. If you haven’t paid your dues yet, please mail it to Bill, drop it off at the church, or pay online. On behalf of the entire council, THANK YOU for helping to keep us going. I also wanted to thank everyone who participated in a Fraternal Benefits Night last fraternal year. I’m happy to report we hit the goal set by Supreme. Also thank you to everyone that helps our Council out. We are very active and it takes a lot of brothers to get everything done that is needed. As many of you know I’m on a Pilgrimage right now and I’m walking the Camino de Santiago. I’m currently in Leon Spain and about two thirds (300 miles) of the way done. I really appreciate all of the prayers and messages of encouragement that I’ve been getting along the way. I was told the Camino can be broken down into 3 Phases - First part is physical; second part is emotional and the last is spiritual. I must say it has been an honor to pray for everyone along the way with the prayer requests that have been sent to me. My relationship with Jesus is growing. I’ve made many versions of some prayers that I sometimes shout out loud when my feet are hurting, and body is aching. I never thought this could be such a transformative experience. The Camino talks to you along the way, which I believe is the Holy Spirit. It’s been amazing to go into so many churches to pray and participate in the Mass and Pilgrim blessings. Absolutely amazing. More to come on the Camino. Lastly, as we journey through this sacred month, let us be inspired by the examples of the saints and the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus. Through our prayers, actions, and commitment to service, we will continue to build a strong, faith-filled community that reflects the love and sacrifice of our Lord. I look forward to seeing everyone when I return towards the end of July. Peter is going to cover for me on at our next meeting on July 9. Rosary starts at 5:30, followed by dinner at 6:00 and the business meeting at 7:00.
Vivat Jesus!
Buen Camino, Rick Kuertz, GK 
One last thing, please keep praying for me, many days those prayers have helped me get where I’m going. I’ve done more exercise than I have in my entire life combined. I really do love you guys! See you soon.