Great turnout on May 19th! One Blood and I, as the new Chairperson, want to thank you for all you did to help make this blood drive a success. Easter was early this year, as such the Snowbirds left early, and donations are way off creating a critical shortage right now.
We were able to collect 17 units of blood. Remember, each donation can save up to three lives, so that means 51 patients could benefit from the lifesaving efforts of blood donors from Our Lady of Lourdes. One Blood encourages us to share the drive results with the Knights, as well as the parishioners, and please pass along our gratitude.
Every two seconds, someone needs blood. The blood donated at your blood drive will likely be transfused into a patient within 48 to 72 hours. The turnaround is that fast and is that constant. Your support will make a dramatic impact in patients lives. Your service to the community is essential.
Have a great summer! Our next drive is scheduled for September 15th.
Paul Krause