Greetings Brothers,
Welcome to the June edition of the Cross & Compass. I hope this newsletter finds you and your
family doing well. It is hard to believe that we are in June already and my first year as Grand Knight
is almost completed. I must say being the Grand Knight of our Council is one of the best things that
has ever happened to me as I’ve been able to grow as a person and deepen my faith in our Lord
and Savior. If I knew I was going to learn so much and have so much fun, I might have done it
earlier. Thank you again for your confidence in me and all the Officers to lead our council.
As our fraternal year draws to a close, I’d like to give a quick “State of the Council” update. Our
membership has flourished this year, and we now have over 300 members. Eddie Jones isn’t
slowing down on recruitment and has several brothers joining in July. Financially we are in sound
shape under the watchful eye of Bob Rueger. This is important as it enables us to do more as a
Council for our Church and the Community we serve. Our Financial Secretary has been dealing
with some very serious health issues and he is part of the reason why our Council stays so strong
as he keeps everything up to date and in order. Please continue to pray for Bill and his wife Kate.
Thanks to Bill Szyper for stepping up and filling in for Bill. Our Deputy Grand Knight Eric was
extremely busy this year with the sign-up genie’s and monthly food drives. Thanks, Eric, for
everything you do. Our Faithful Scribe Bob Burhoe has done a great job this year as he not only
records our minutes, but also leads the Tootsie Roll Drive, 5th Sunday Rosary and does so much
more. We also owe Ray Pronko a round of applause as he has done an amazing job with our
newsletter every month, thanks Ray. To all of the officer’s, thank you for what you do for our
Council. I know it takes a lot of time, and your efforts are greatly appreciated by all.
I would also like to take a moment to thank each of you for your continued dedication and hard
work. Our council’s success is a testament to your unwavering commitment and brotherly support.
Let us continue to work together, inspired by the love of the Sacred Heart and the examples of the
saints, to build a strong and vibrant community as we live out our principles of Faith, Charity, and
May was a very busy month for our Council. We hit our goal and raised $70,000 for the CFA
Raffle. Congrats to the winners and Past GK Ron Bowes for leading the charge in getting the
tickets sold. In total, we gave Father Jay $60,000! Way to go and THANK YOU to everyone who
purchased a ticket. We also had a blood drive and monthly food collection. Thanks to Paul Krause
and Eric Bisighini and your teams. We also were able to reach the 40% level in dues payments. You
can pay on the website, mail to Bill Morris, or bring it to the next meeting. If you are in a financial
hardship situation, please let me or one of the Officer’s know, as we don’t want anyone not to be a
Knight because of money.
One of the key celebrations this month is the Feast of Corpus Christi, which will be observed on
June 2nd. This feast honors the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the source and summit of
our faith. Let us take this opportunity to participate actively in the Eucharistic processions and
special Masses, and to deepen our reverence for the Holy Sacrament.
I usually wrap up by saying see you at our next meeting or at Mass but as you may be aware from
my previous email, I am leaving on June 6 to walk the Camino de Santiago from St. Jean Pied in
France. I’m going to be away for 45 days. I've asked Peter Spagnuolo to fill in for me while I’m away.
I look forward to seeing all of you when I return.
Vivat Jesus,
Rick Kuertz, GK